Egor Kraft – The Link

Creation date: 2014;
Plex­i­glass, steel frame, led, live stream­ing 360 web-cam­era, website;
Di­men­sions: 300 x 200 cm;
The video above is a documentation displayed here at times when the work is not being exhibited.

A luminous hy­per­link is set up in var­i­ous lo­ca­tions. The URL ad­dress is a full sen­tence, as its syn­tax suggests. A web page lo­cated at the ad­dress given in the link displays a streamed real-time 360-de­gree panoramic video of its lo­ca­tion. By executing such an ordinary action as following the URL, spectator literally re-enacts manifested in the link transition, emerging between the actual situation and its virtual replica, thus establishing a feedback loop between "the real" and "virtual", where it is no longer necessary nor feasible to distinguish between the two.